“We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.”  Kenji Miyazawa

Cancer. It’s a hot-button word that can evoke deep emotions—fear, anger, sadness, gratitude, and even joyful triumph. Like many of you, I have friends and family members who have fought the disease. Alas, some have succumbed, but others have survived and been restored to good health.

Cancer refers to any one of many diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably, and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, and in the United States, it accounts for 29% of all cancers in women. Breast cancer usually begins in a single cell that changes from normal to malignant over a period of time.

Breast cancer is a complex disease. Medical researchers are learning about what happens inside cells that may cause it. They have identified changes in certain genes within breast cells that can be linked to a higher risk for breast cancer. Breast cells contain a variety of genes that normally work cooperatively with a woman’s natural hormones, diet, and environment to keep her breasts healthy. Certain genes routinely keep breast cells from dividing, growing out of control, and forming tumors. When these genes become altered, changes occur, and a cell can no longer grow correctly.

Bio-Touch, used in conjunction with standard medical care such as chemotherapy and radiation, can produce very beneficial results. Reduction in stress is one of those benefits, as well as a lessening of side effects from chemo and radiation. Bio-Touch has even been known to help in the shrinking of tumors.

What’s more, preliminary research has shown that the use of Bio-Touch raises levels of Interleukin-12 (IL-12) (What’s more, preliminary research has shown that the use of Bio-Touch raises levels of Interleukin-12 (IL-12)  (see Research Article).). There has been interest in the medical community to testing IL-12 as a possible anti-cancer agent because of its ability to induce immune responses, and its anti-angiogenic (inhibits growth of new blood vessels) activities.

Bio-Touch can be safely included as part of any protocol for cancer because it’s non-invasive and free of negative side effects! It’s the perfect complementary therapy to mainstream medical treatment. And family members and friends can learn to help each other feel better using Bio-Touch, without being concerned about negative side effects.

The Bio-Touch organization is offering a workshop on breast cancer livestream on Facebook on Thursday October 22nd at 6pm Arizona Time. Workshop attendees will learn the Bio-Touch points necessary to address breast cancer.  For more information click here.