I WAS FIRST INTRODUCED TO BIO-TOUCH IN 1992-93 IN LOS ANGELES AT A GATHERING AT MY UNCLES HOUSE FOR COUSIN PAUL’S NEW HEALING MODALITY…FROM THE VERY FIRST I WAS TAKEN BY THE SIMPLICITY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF BIO-MAGNETIC TOUCH HEALING, OR JUST TOUCH AS IT WAS CALLED THEN…NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED , JUST TWO FINGERS OF EACH HAND AND A KNOWLEDGE OF THE POINTS…I WAS BLESSED TO GO TO HAWAII THE HEADQUARTERS IN 1996 TO BECOME A CERTIFIED PRACTITIONER….OVER SEVERAL WEEKS OF INTENSIVE TRAINING, AND HANDS ON EXPERIENCE AT THE CENTER….IT WAS AMAZING TO SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE EMBRACED THE PRACTICE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF JUST TOUCH….EVERYONE HAS AN INHERENT RIGHT TO BE HEALTHY….GIVE WHAT YOU CAN…THE REFRIGERATOR WAS ALWAYS FULL…there was a special feeling of acceptance at the center, no one was ever turned away….and many became Practitioners….I’ve used Just Touch…Bio-Touch all these many years in unconventional places wherever needed….at the hospital where I worked…in a chair, on a bench, standing up….my only promise was I cant promise you anything, but you will relax….I was never wrong…and many times while talking afterward the recipient would say…wow “that” doesn’t hurt anymore….that’s how Just Touch affects many….all of a sudden they realize …IT WORKS…many times I was not told it worked for a long while afterward as people just couldn’t believe the results… Everyone needs to be educated about Bio-Touch/JustTouch just as we are taught CPR…such a simple non evasive way to help others and teach them to help others…..children are great with it….helping Mom and Dad with a ,headache….”Just Touch…the one-one, the two-two and the three- three…” it’s empowering for all who give and receive…the classes for learning the modality are TRUELY wonderful as they bring people together from all walks of life who are of the same mind set that they want to help others….family, friends, strangers all may be helped with Just Touch….it’s all inclusive.   You don’t have to become a certified practitioner, however for me, Becoming a certified practitioner has empowered me and given me the tools to help without having to carry a briefcase or special equipment….especially when traveling…from New Orleans to the West Coast….it’s always with me and ready to be shared as needed….that’s why I wanted to help support Bio-Touch, and can’t wait for my books to arrive…EVE COLLINS, CERTIFIED PRACTITIONER…can it be 23 years.