I’m proud to be a Certified Practitioner of Bio-Touch |
Bio-Touch is about love and spreading love. Anyone with the intention of helping others is a candidate to be a part of this amazing journey of healing through touch.
What amazes me the most that Bio-Touch is very simple to learn, very easy to apply yet it is very effective and strong because it is based on the own healing mechanism of the body.
A certified practitioner is there just to touch and to respect the free will of the recipient makes Bio-Touch a universal and timeless healing technique.
I understand that a certified practitioner always has to remember not to make any comments, or give any advice about the healing process of the recipient. But I also experienced that a Bio-Touch session is a unique experience both for the recipient and for the practitioner. For the recipient it helps to connect with his/her body and to understand its own healing capacity. When the recipient connects with his/her body this opens a channel to connect with the soul and to higher levels of awareness.
For the practitioner it gives the possibility to be a channel for love through the touch. And also because we are all connected it helps to the practitioner to raise his/her awareness.
The philosophy of IFBM is based on the idea of spreading love through the healing power of touch though it is not a healing foundation. It is an educational foundation that gives the possibility to anyone with good intention to learn and to apply the technique so that the technique can be a part of everyone’s lives.

We are experiencing a very important period of the earth. Maybe this is what Mayans were
talking about. It is changing, the earth is changing, the life is changing, the human being is
changing. I believe the Divine never leave us alone, at first this divine energy gives us some
tools and then Divine let us to experience some storms, some waves alone. So that we can
realize our own power, by using the tools given by the divine before, we understand our own
power and capacity. And this power release us from fears, worries, diseases…
I think Bio-Touch is one of these tools given by Divine to understand ourself better, to believe in
our own power, to believe that we can heal ourselves. Only by touching with two fingers as soft
as butterfly, we are connecting to each other with a pure love. And love is the medicine of all
and for all. Bio-Touch is a technic without any side effect, it is so simple that everyone can
apply. And it has a strong power that supports people to recover. It helps to feel the power of
love and their own power to both of the participant.
During the Corona Days, we have enough time to live a slower life, we have time to think about
our thinking, think about our choices, we are taking new steps and new decisions about how
to live our lives. People are getting more and more interested about awareness, spirituality,
knowing themselves, knowing their capacity, alternative and holistic healing techniques etc. So
this is a big time for IFBM.
It is time for IFBM to be the pioneer for all the members of the Bio Touch family. Now we are
over boundaries. SO it is a good opportunity to make more online meetings, seminars,
workshops. PR strategies and some ads will also be supportive.
IFBM is the roof under where all the members gather. With a collective collaboration Bio Touch
can reach more people all over the world.
There is bridge between bio touch and science & medicine. By underlying this, IFBM is opening
new fields for all the members.
I feel so lucky to experience Bio-Touch and to become of this family. I believe, Bio-Touch will be
just like a Butterfly Effect 🙂 And it changes all one day.

Why Kai integrates Bio-Touch into her professional and personal life.
This is just an amazing testimonial of almost blind lady who begins to see again.
Janice becomes an Instructor of Bio-Touch.
My name is Barbara Peacock. I was alerted by a friend’s recommendation to the Book of Debra Schildhouse about the history of Bio-Touch™.|
Fascinated by this so simple method I wanted to know more, read the Bio-Touch Practice book and signed up to my first course. I then completed the entire certified training as a practitioner at Michaela Haupt.
The simplicity, the gentleness and my own feeling in the treatments made me realize – this is exactly the right thing for me. I had long been looking for a healing method that is so easy to learn and also to pass on.
It can be combined with all treatment methods and is applied anywhere. I feel very impressive the experience that I perceive the treatment in full clarity. In addition to touching the corresponding points, I mainly work intuitively on the body.
I am thankful that in direct contact with my clients, I can give a gentle stimulus to the activation of the self-healing powers and have been able to experience immediate healing/relief.
Ich wurde von meiner Freundin Anke Paasch mit Bio-Touch “infiziert”. Anke hatte das Buch von Debra Schildhouse gelesen und war so begeistert, dass wir uns im Oktober 2017 gemeinsam zum Practitioner Kurs anmeldeten. Die Zertifizierung schloss ich im Juni 2018 ab.
Ich und Anke haben es nicht bereut und sind sehr von dieser Heilmethode überzeugt und hoffen, dass wir noch viele Menschen davon begeistern können.
I was “infected” by my friend Anke Paasch with bio-touch. Anke had read the book of Debra Schild House and was so enthusiastic that we joined the practitioner course in October 2017. I completed the certification in June 2018.
I and Anke have not regretted it and are very convinced of this healing method and hope that we can still inspire many people.

Ich habe in irgendeiner Zeitung die Werbung für das Buch von Debra Schildhouse gesehen. Mich sprach sofort die Hand mit dem Schmetterling an. Als ich dann noch das Buch gelesen hatte, war mir klar: Das muss ich erlernen.
Ich habe dann noch Barbara Pfau „infiziert„ und Kontakt mit Michaela Haupt aufgenommen. Im Oktober 2017 haben wir den Practitioner Kurs in Edemissen besucht und uns mit voller Begeisterung zur weiteren Zertifizierung angemeldet. Seit Anfang Juni 2018 sind wir nun zertifizierte Bio-Touch Practitioners.
Ich und Barbara haben es nicht bereut und sind sehr von dieser Heilmethode überzeugt und hoffen, dass wir noch viele Menschen davon begeistern können.
I saw in some newspaper the publicity for the book of Debra Schild House. I immediately spoke the hand with the butterfly. When I read the book, I realized that I had to learn.
I then added Barbara Peacock “infected” and contacted Michaela Haupt. In October 2017 we visited the practitioner course in Edemissen and registered with full enthusiasm for further certification. Since the beginning of June 2018 we are now certified Bio-touch practitioners.
I and Barbara have not regretted it and are very convinced of this healing method and hope that we can still inspire many people.

How I describe Bio-Touch to my clients: I tell them, that Bio-Touch is a healing therapy and that it is a technique, that will help the body to increase his ability of self-healing, which each one of us carries inside. I tell them that this ability can be “forgotten” by the body or that a huge amount of other things (for example sorrows, anger, worries) may lay upon it, so our body can not “see” it anymore. But we definitely do have this ability and that we can help our body to put it into action. One way to do this is Bio-Touch.