Clients have come to me seeking alternative treatment.
Though I am still anxious, I admit that it will probably take a week or two before I can use Bio-Touch. I will. I am planning on adding it to my normal eclectic modality. Thank you.

Clients have come to me seeking alternative treatment.
Though I am still anxious, I admit that it will probably take a week or two before I can use Bio-Touch. I will. I am planning on adding it to my normal eclectic modality. Thank you.
The class is/was very informative and the hands on training as we went through the class was very helpful in retaining information. I have already experienced benefits, personally, just from the class. I am excited to apply these techniques
I am really happy I enrolled in the class! I debated learning online, but it made such a difference to attend the classes in person and to receive “hands on” practice. Being guided through the points in person helped boost my confidence, and even after the first class, I felt comfortable performing Bio-Touch on my partner (with great results!).
I will happily incorporate Bio-Touch into my daily life, and I look forward to exploring the certification opportunities in the future.
I needed CEUs plus I needed to refresh Bio-Touch to incorporate some more into my massage.
I felt the knowledge this class gave me adds to all the work I usually do on my family, friends, and clients. When I came to this class all the love and work that was done on me helped me heal some more from my recent back surgery. Everyone here is so loving and giving I was so glad I came.
I needed CEUs and the cost and location were great.
A very positive experience. As we learned each set of points and some health issues were mentioned, I started to make a list of clients for whom this would be beneficial. Very easy to incorporate without changing my whole massage. I even came up with several clients & friends who I thought would enjoy knowing and learning this information. All good things!
I needed CEUs and I had taken the class before and remembered I enjoyed it.
I feel this will be able to be added to my massage practice as well as being used on family members. Everyone has issues that should be addressed. This is overall a positive addition and atmosphere to be in.
When I first heard of Bio-Touch, I really didn’t think much of it because we’re doing so many things. Richard worked on me because I had a horrible abscess in my tonsils. I couldn’t swallow or talk. He did the infection point, and it sent a tingle through me. Bio-Touch felt nice, and I knew right then, “We need to touch. We need to do this with our family.” As a massage therapist, I do a lot of touching, but this is different from anything I’ve ever done before.
My tonsils got better which Richard said was amazing. The next day, the worst side was completely better. On the other side, the swelling slowly went down until it was completely gone as well.
In Tucson, we had an experience with my son Hyrum at the babysitter. He has a lot of emotional issues and was crying hysterically for about ten minutes. We tried walking away to see if he would calm down, but he didn’t. Richard did the head set on him. Within 2 minutes, he was fine! It was an amazing transformation. I’m looking forward to doing more with him. Little Madeline loves Bio-Touch just put up your 2 fingers and she lifts her shirt! Monsi really likes it, especially when Lynette does it.
Richard and I both felt we needed to do this class. It has been beneficial. It has been neat to see how Bio-Touch has affected others, since it is new to us. I’m glad we came.
As a massage therapist I incorporated the Greeting into all treatments (this past week). It seemed to clear my head but allow me to focus on the person under my hands. Great progress was made during all treatments with “wow” moments consistently happening.
What brought me to the class: I wanted to work lighter on people and know a way to include that into my massage. I had felt during my massages for some time to pause and go lighter.
I already have started to include Bio-Touch in my massages. Mostly I feel that after I worked on an area for some time, traditionally I want to give the body some time to integrate and take a breath. Contrarily I can start with Bio-Touch to prepare an area. Either way it helps me to first connect energetically and feel better about what is needed and what the body tries to communicate.
It sounds unreal and amazing how effective and easy to perform Bio-Touch. It’s very beneficial and hearing about other people’s experiences is incredible. I hope to use Bio-Touch to help the people in my life.