Me gusto mucho aprender esta terapia de BT por que aprendi mas los punto exactos de dolor para poder ayudar a mi projimo y sobre todo a mi hijo Angel que tiene Diabetis tipo1. Tambien me gusto el ambiente muy Buenos maestros y companeros y a pesar de que no so hablar ni escriber el ingles aprendi mucho por que aparte Paul el maestro me dio mi teoria en espanol y trataba de hablarme en espanol. Me senti muy agusto exelente. Muchas gracia.
I really liked learning this Bio-Touch therapy because I learned more the exact points for pain in order to help my neighbor and especially my son, Angel, who has diabetes type1. Also I liked the atmosphere very much with all of the teachers and companions. And although I did not to speak or write the English I learned a lot because, Paul, the teacher, gave me the theory in Spanish (from the website) and tried to speak in Spanish. I felt very comfortable. Thank you so much..