Learn Bio-Touch used by Integrative Healthcare Providers as a Touch Healing Approach for Inflammation

View the free presentation on Inflammation.
At the 27 minute mark learn the Bio-Touch points that can address Inflammation.
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When your body encounters an offending agent (like viruses, bacteria or toxic chemicals) or suffers an injury, it activates your immune system. Your immune system sends out its first responders: inflammatory cells and cytokines (substances that stimulate more inflammatory cells). These cells begin an inflammatory response to trap bacteria and other offending agents or start healing injured tissue. The result can be pain, swelling, bruising or redness. But inflammation also affects body systems you can’t see.

There are two types of inflammation:

  • Acute inflammation: The response to sudden body damage, such as cutting your finger. To heal the cut, your body sends inflammatory cells to the injury. These cells start the healing process.
  • Chronic inflammation: Your body continues sending inflammatory cells even when there is no outside danger. For example, in rheumatoid arthritis inflammatory cells and substances attack joint tissues leading to an inflammation that comes and goes and can cause severe damage to joints with pain and deformities.

Acute inflammation may cause:

  • Flushed skin at the site of the injury.
  • Pain or tenderness.
  • Swelling.
  • Heat.

Chronic inflammation symptoms may be harder to spot than acute inflammation symptoms. Signs of chronic inflammation can include:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Chest pain.
  • Fatigue. (example: systemic lupus)
  • Fever. (example: tuberculosis)
  • Joint pain or stiffness. (example: rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Mouth sores. (example: HIV infection)
  • Skin rash. (example: psoriasis)

Bio-Touch can help to ease the symptoms of inflammation. While not a substitute for standard medical care, Bio-Touch is an effective complement to medical protocols. Family members and friends can help each other feel better using Bio-Touch, without being concerned about negative side effects.

Learn More About Using Bio-Touch as A Healing Touch Therapy for Inflammation

We would love to share the sets of points you would need to address Inflammation. View the free presentation on Hashimoto’s Disease and then at 27 minute mark learn the Bio-Touch points that can address Hashimoto’s Disease. See video below.

Our entire training eBook is available to download for a small fee of $17.95. GET NOW

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A free preview of our training ebook is available here.

The information presented in the training manuals are for educational purposes only. Medical advice is neither offered nor implied. Please consult a healthcare professional for medical advice.

Do You Have Questions About Inflammation and how a Healing Touch Therapy can work?

We, at Bio-Touch, know that not all touch therapies are exactly the same. If you have any questions for us to answer prior to becoming a member and joining our community, please call or fill out our contact form. As soon as you join the Bio-Touch community, and practice this simple hands-on touch healing technique, you will understand what makes Bio-Touch so effective.

Here is one set you will always perform before you apply any other sets: The GREETING

Watch Workshop on how to address Inflammation with
special presentation by Neil Cannon

Listen to the Podcast