Doctor Investigates Effects of Bio-Touch
Kenna Stephenson, M.D., is the Principal Investigator on a Bio-Touch Research Project at the University of Texas Health Center at Tyler. The study is investigating the effects of Bio-Touch on substances in the blood involving the cardiovascular system and immune system. Women in the study will also have stress hormone levels measured before and after Bio-Touch sessions as well as complete Quality of Life Questionnaires. Dr. Stephenson and her co-investigators, Dr. Pierre Neuenschwander and Dr. Anna Kurdowska, and Nancy Creech, M.S.N. are also obtaining skin biopsies from the patients before and after Bio-Touch in order to measure gene expression of substances in the skin. The ability to measure such changes might explain how Bio-Touch works at the cellular level in the neuro-immuno-cutaneous-endocrine network which has far reaching implications for many patients.

Dr. Stephenson gave a presentation on Bio-Touch at the 2003 national conference of the American Association of Integrative Medicine. Her study, “The Effects of Bio-Touch on Quality of Life Scores in Patients” demonstrated Bio-Touch, performed once weekly, improved Quality of Life Scores (at 8 weeks) and exhibited a sustained (greater than 4 weeks post treatment) effect on domains of: Bodily Pain, Social Functioning, Vitality, General Health Perceptions, and Mental Health Index. 0 to 10 Rating Scale.
Dr. Stephenson states: “Bio-Touch provides a valuable modality for pain and stress reduction. Many patients in my practice have benefitted from Bio-Touch for stress related disorders such as headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and musculoskeletal pain. Bio-Touch can be helpful for both pediatric and adult patients in stress related illnesses, pain syndromes, and chronic disease. Our research confirms that Bio-Touch has an immediate and sustained favorable effect on bodily pain and physical functioning in addition to an overall improvement in Quality of Life Scores in patients. Bio-Touch is a low tech, low cost solution for many families in my practice. Bio-Touch provides a form of safe touch that can be easily utilized in community settings to improve health.”
PDF Version of her findings: Read her findings

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