
IFBM Staff Member Oath of Commitment

As a Bio-Touch staff member, I acknowledge that I am a global representative for the unique gift of Bio-Touch and will exemplify the golden rule of Love thy Neighbor.   I pledge to contribute my talents and resources to the continuing efforts of IFBM’s Mission in the world and Vision for the world.  I further pledge to dedicate myself to the growth of self awareness while honoring the same for others.  I am aware that my service as a staff member carries certain responsibilities expected of me.

By signing this oath I understand that:

  1. I will honor all recipients and staff members with respect and encouragement.
  2. I will not discuss any other philosophies, belief systems or healing techniques in the presence of a recipient.
  1. I will not diagnose, advise or prescribe during a session.
  2. If conflict arises, I will address that person with compassion and understanding.
  3. If I feel threatened or unsafe at any time I can end a session.
  4. I will be open to corrections from other staff members if I do not touch points as described in the Bio-Touch manual.
  1. As a staff member I will maintain my membership with IFBM.
  2. I will attend all staff meetings unless prior arrangements have been made with a co- director.
  1. I will attend one day of a Certified Practitioner training once a year.
  2. I will open and close the center using the procedures which have been outlined for staff members.
  1.  I will arrive at the center 15 minutes before the beginning of my shift and stay for the duration of my commitment.
  1.  If for any reason I am unable to work my shift, I am responsible for finding a replacement.
  1.  Once a year I will be required to have a point and wording check with a co-director.
  2. I give IFBM permission to use any photos of me at Foundation events in the marketing of Bio-Touch to the public.

Signed this _____ day of __________________ 20____


