“I have fully enjoyed my experience learning Bio-Touch. Having never heard of it before my google search into natural healing and reading about the many people that have had their health elevated by a single touch has been mind-expanding. I have already begun to be an advocate for Bio-Touch within my small circle of family and friends, and plan to continue with the program. Last Friday I had my very first Bio-Touch session – I figured it would be important to be a recipient before I continue the training – it was a very emotional experience for me, as well as extremely comforting. Just a few minutes and I was more relaxed than I would have been if I were getting a massage. I am fortunate to have learned about Bio-Touch when I did, and I hope to make others’ experience as profound as my own.”

Claudia Bowen

I liked the classes and the help. Looking forward to the “refresher” Paul mentioned. Been awhile for me

Sandra Rapp

This training was very enjoyable. First of all, I was the only attendee, and yet Paul and Eileen were there to teach me regardless, rather than canceling or postponing the class. To me, this speaks loudly and clearly about their dedication, enthusiasm, and generosity in sharing Bio-Touch!

After Paul’s intro, Eileen took over the training, and proceeded to go step by step through the training manual. She helped me find the touch points, and answered all my questions as we went along. She has a great sense of humor and made the learning fun!

This class covers a lot of information, but is not at all overwhelming. Eileen and Paul are both very encouraging and reassuring about how easy it is to just touch, no matter your skill level. For that reason, this practitioner training is very empowering, and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn more about Bio-Touch.

Lisa Boyce

Paul and Eileen made this training entertaining and educational they both have such excitement and love in there teaching . The training was simple and I have already treated a few of my family members many others can’t wait for me to treat them too. I look forward to keeping close contact with Paul and Eileen into the future.

Brandie Armijo

Bio-Touch class was an amazing experience!!! Paul, Eileen and Bev were so welcoming that I felt like I was part of the team already! I learned and had fun at the same time.. They kept taking about love and I could see that they really honor that magnificent word. They emanated love from the beginning to the end of the class. They made the learning process so simple and interesting. So interesting that I wanted and want to know more and more about bio touch to start immediately this wonderful technique so more people can benefit from the profound results ,according to them and the researchers that had been done. The specific points on the body that once are been touched by the practitioner not only has a profound positive impact on the recipient but also on the practitioner. Both of them benefit simultaneously from the Bio touch technique. Bio touch works as symbiosis !!! I can’t wait for the certification class!!!

Maritza Leal

Bio-Touch was so much more than I expected. The course was thorough and incredibly thoughtful, they really take the time to make sure you understand where each point is and how to move through the different sets. The biggest take aways for me though were the personal testimonies, the quality of the research, and the overall philosophy. Their want and willingness to teach bio-touch to everyone possible because everyone deserves health and peace is so refreshing. I can’t wait to add this into my practice, and I genuinely feel that everyone on earth should learn about this!

Melody McKenzie

I dealt with a diabetic patient in a very bad condition, as the immune system produces antibodies that lead to the destruction of the beta cells in the pancreas, and thus the blood sugar level rises in a way that doctors cannot treat. After several sessions, the blood sugar level decreased and the patient’s condition stabilized significantly.

But the surprising thing is that she has been suffering from depression for several years, and that her psychological condition has improved greatly after the Bio touch sessions, and she become a life lover. I learned from this experience that biotech is useful in helping psychological conditions.

Sometimes we deal with specific points that target the pain in a specific place, but we find that there is a problem in another place that has been solved without our intention.

We may also target pain in a specific area of ​​the body, but we find that the psychological state of the recipient has improved.. In general, I noticed that all the cases that I dealt with Bio-touch technology and any other technology, they prefer biotech sessions because it makes them feel comfortable and relaxed and reconcile them on their bodies and themselves.

Dr Hala Shaaban- Egypt

Bio-Touch is about love and spreading love. Anyone with the intention of helping others is a candidate to be a part of this amazing journey of healing through touch.

 What amazes me the most that Bio-Touch is very simple to learn, very easy to apply yet it is very effective and strong because it is based on the own healing mechanism of the body.

A certified practitioner is there just to touch and to respect the free will of the recipient makes Bio-Touch a universal and timeless healing technique.

 I understand that a certified practitioner always has to remember not to make any comments, or give any advice about the healing process of the recipient. But I also experienced that a Bio-Touch session is a unique experience both for the recipient and for the practitioner. For the recipient it helps to connect with his/her body and to understand its own healing capacity. When the recipient connects with his/her body this opens a channel to connect with the soul and to higher levels of awareness.

 For the practitioner it gives the possibility to be a channel for love through the touch. And also because we are all connected it helps to the practitioner to raise his/her awareness.

 The philosophy of IFBM is based on the idea of spreading love through the healing power of touch though it is not a healing foundation. It is an educational foundation that gives the possibility to anyone with good intention to learn and to apply the technique so that the technique can be a part of everyone’s lives. 

turkey certified practitioner
Didem Ozdemir, Certified Practitioner – TURKEY

We are experiencing a very important period of the earth. Maybe this is what Mayans were

talking about. It is changing, the earth is changing, the life is changing, the human being is

changing. I believe the Divine never leave us alone, at first this divine energy gives us some

tools and then Divine let us to experience some storms, some waves alone. So that we can

realize our own power, by using the tools given by the divine before, we understand our own

power and capacity. And this power release us from fears, worries, diseases…


I think Bio-Touch is one of these tools given by Divine to understand ourself better, to believe in

our own power, to believe that we can heal ourselves. Only by touching with two fingers as soft

as butterfly, we are connecting to each other with a pure love. And love is the medicine of all

and for all. Bio-Touch is a technic without any side effect, it is so simple that everyone can

apply. And it has a strong power that supports people to recover. It helps to feel the power of

love and their own power to both of the participant.


During the Corona Days, we have enough time to live a slower life, we have time to think about

our thinking, think about our choices, we are taking new steps and new decisions about how

to live our lives. People are getting more and more interested about awareness, spirituality,

knowing themselves, knowing their capacity, alternative and holistic healing techniques etc. So

this is a big time for IFBM.


It is time for IFBM to be the pioneer for all the members of the Bio Touch family. Now we are

over boundaries. SO it is a good opportunity to make more online meetings, seminars,

workshops. PR strategies and some ads will also be supportive.


IFBM is the roof under where all the members gather. With a collective collaboration Bio Touch

can reach more people all over the world.


There is bridge between bio touch and science & medicine. By underlying this, IFBM is opening

new fields for all the members.


I feel so lucky to experience Bio-Touch and to become of this family. I believe, Bio-Touch will be

just like a Butterfly Effect 🙂 And it changes all one day.

turkey certified practitioner
Damla Tamru, Certified Practitioner -TURKEY

Why Kai integrates Bio-Touch into her professional and personal life.

Kaileen Cox, LMT

The class was great — very informative.

There was plenty of time for hands-on practice for all of the sets.  The verbal instruction and hand-outs were simple to follow but very detailed also.  Nothing was left out.

I will use Bio-Touch personally on family and friends and I will add it to my “Healing Practice”.

Than you to all of the instructors for the excellent training!

Karen J. Williams

I can see myself incorporating Bio-Touch into my work.  Although light touch hasn’t been what I’ve done in the past, for the most part I have used other modalities using a light touch. This is much different and I like the possibility of its use.  I can see there is much benefit to Bio-Touch.

I’ve really enjoyed meeting everyone and learning from their experience.  I’m happy to be a member and to be accepted into this group.  Thanks for the fun weekend.  I will be using the knowledge I learned.

Jennifer Beard, LMT

I am a massage therapist and PTA.

This was the BEST massage CEU class I have taken so far ( 6 years of ceu’s).

Very friendly professional, educational, organized, good pace, clean environment.  Staff was very well prepared.  Perfect amount of hands-on and reading/learning/going over materials and practice.  Ongoing corrections were demonstrated to ensure proper technique.

I am also a PTA.  I feel I can and will implement Bio-Touch in both massage and for physical therapy.

Bio-Touch is quick and easily performed and non invasive.

I am a skeptic, but Bio-Touch isn’t energy work it is Just Touch that has a positive effect backed by research.

I Love Bio-Touch.  Very well done!!

Ashley O’Donnell, LMT

Heard about Bio-Touch as a way to aid with my Macular Pucker.

The Bio-Touch class was very informative, interesting and fun!  Is was applicable to my profession and life!

I will use Bio-Touch in my personal life with family & friends as needed.

It is such a powerful tool for ALL of us to use.  I may use it with clients in my clinic for ADHD, Autism, learning disabilities, behavior issues and traumatic brain injuries (T.B.I.).

There is no limits to the possibilities with Bio-Touch.

Thank you to the great Bio-Touch staff for offering this amazing technique to our world and me.

doulas learn bio-touch healing
Katherine Lackey

I came to the clinic and decided to try Bio-Touch.  Then I started the training and will continue.  It is great!.
Nice addition for my personal clients and a great technique to add to my wellness certs.  Especially my special needs clients.

Michelle Ruffo

My experience with the Bio-Touch class is that the spiritual aspects of “love in action” and the body healing itself (the “inner physician”) brings it into a natural harmony and balance with itself. Also, the great simplicity of it and availability to everyone worldwide and not charging for what everyone’s body already possesses.

Beth Stormont

I came to the class to get continuing education units.

I will practice Bio-Touch in the near future. This is something I have been searching for and finally found.
Perfect practice for me personally.

Eric Kassman, LMT

I came to the class to learn Bio-Touch and to satisfy my continuing education requirements.

I will be using this technique at work, at home with my family, grandkids and friends.
This workshop ended up being very incredible and with all of the lovely Instructors and all of the attendees was a great crew as well. Thank you for all of the wonderful stories, care and teaching.

Cathleen Massey, LMT

I too the class to learn Bio-Touch in order to help facilitate my own healing as well as learn something simple yet powerful enough to bring to my family as well as my acupuncture practice.

I thoroughly enjoyed the class and feel prepared, at least at the most basic level, to begin to incorporate Bio-Touch into my acupuncture practice.  I can think of countless possibilities to use Bio-Touch to compliment my clinical practice.  I also intend to continue the training and deepen my practice of Bio-Touch as a Certified Practitioner.  I just like how gentle yet powerful it seems to be.

Larry Gatti, Acupuncturist

I am so excited and appreciative and look forward to more!

Jennifer Vallier, LMT

I heard a podcast about Bio-Touch and then became a recipient.

I really enjoyed the class.  I’m looking forward to the next class and being able to do more practice.

Karen Reynolds

I came to the class because I wanted to give back for all the generous services of the Bio-Touch Practitioners I’ve received.

I can use Bio-Touch working with clients doing Somatic Experiencing in my Wilderness therapy company.

Alison Torba

Clients have come to me seeking alternative treatment.

Though I am still anxious, I admit that it will probably take a week or two before I can use Bio-Touch.  I will.  I am planning on adding it to my normal eclectic modality.  Thank you.


Cameron Honokee, LMT

I wanted to incorporate Bio-Touch into my practice in which I work with addiction and obesity.

In 2000 I took the Practitioner Training after my husband fell in an accident.  He almost died.  The associate at the Bio-Touch Center came to the hospital and worked on him.  I saw that his pulse oxygen went from 80 to over 95 while they were working on him!  I have been working in the corporate world for the last 19 years and have forgotten how important Bio-Touch is.  I have moved back to Tucson and wanted to re-take the class and finally become certified.  I have seen and experienced the benefits and want to share them with my family, friends, and clients.


Dr. Cheryl McKenzie

A friend was familiar with Bio-Touch and suggested that I try it.

This class was amazing!  After only 1 weekend I feel empowered and confident to share Bio-Touch with family and friends.  In the beginning, I was slightly frustrated with the “we don’t know why it works” replies however, by the end of the day, I was not only able to accept this but actually found myself laughing and enjoying myself as I shared this with my family.  Thank you for the honesty and sense of humor.







Kimberly Stevens – Teacher

How Jovanka will use Bio-Touch with her family.


What does Marta appreciate about Bio-Touch training & classes.

Marta G.

How did Kathryn like the classes and what does she hope to “do” with Bio-Touch.

Kathryn R

Todd Felder

I heard Paul speak and experienced a demo.

I will be getting certified to volunteer on staff at the Tucson center.

The class I felt, was precisely done and totally accessible.  I liked the mix of instructors and “supervisors”.  It was lovely that the extension of caring espoused by Bio-Touch was fully expressed in the way the class was offered.  The laughter as wonderful!


Marilyn Gustin

I needed CEUs plus I needed to refresh Bio-Touch to incorporate some more into my massage.

I felt the knowledge this class gave me adds to all the work I usually do on my family, friends, and clients.  When I came to this class all the love and work that was done on me helped me heal some more from my recent back surgery.  Everyone here is so loving and giving I was so glad I came.

Barbara Lacinski, LMT

I needed CEUs and the cost and location were great.

A very positive experience.  As we learned each set of points and some health issues were mentioned, I started to make a list of clients for whom this would be beneficial.  Very easy to incorporate without changing my whole massage.  I even came up with several clients & friends who I thought would enjoy knowing and learning this information.  All good things!

Sara Day, LMT

I needed CEUs and I had taken the class before and remembered I enjoyed it.

I feel this will be able to be added to my massage practice as well as being used on family members.  Everyone has issues that should be addressed.  This is overall a positive addition and atmosphere to be in.

Gail Parrish, LMT

My name is Barbara Peacock. I was alerted by a friend’s recommendation to the Book of Debra Schildhouse about the history of Bio-Touch™.|

Fascinated by this so simple method I wanted to know more, read the Bio-Touch Practice book and signed up to my first course. I then completed the entire certified training as a practitioner at Michaela Haupt.
The simplicity, the gentleness and my own feeling in the treatments made me realize – this is exactly the right thing for me. I had long been looking for a healing method that is so easy to learn and also to pass on.

It can be combined with all treatment methods and is applied anywhere. I feel very impressive the experience that I perceive the treatment in full clarity. In addition to touching the corresponding points, I mainly work intuitively on the body.

I am thankful that in direct contact with my clients, I can give a gentle stimulus to the activation of the self-healing powers and have been able to experience immediate healing/relief.

Barbara Pfau

I came to the class because my wife asked me to attend so I could help her at home when she is in pain.

I really enjoyed the course.  The instructors kept us involved and entertained, while also leaving the floor open to questions and experiences.  The class time was perfect as three hours (per night) went quickly.  The information was laid out and easy to understand.  Thank you for a great experience I can use for the rest of OUR lives.

Luke Glogg

It was great to learn Bio-Touch with my husband.  It has been great for our relationship and has brought us closer.  Him knowing Bio-Touch has been great for my back pain.  He does it daily.


Amy Glogg

As a massage therapist I incorporated the Greeting into all treatments (this past week).  It seemed to clear my head but allow me to focus on the person under my hands.  Great progress was made during all treatments with “wow” moments consistently happening.

Shea Hincher, LMT

What brought me to the class:  I wanted to work lighter on people and know a way to include that into my massage.  I had felt during my massages for some time to pause and go lighter.

I already have started to include Bio-Touch in my massages.  Mostly I feel that after I worked on an area for some time, traditionally I want to give the body some time to integrate and take a breath.  Contrarily I can start with Bio-Touch to prepare an area.  Either way it helps me to first connect energetically and feel better about what is needed and what the body tries to communicate.

Claudia Wondrak, LMT

Sam is took the class for credits at the University of Arizona.

Learning Bio-Touch was a very cool experience for me.  It gave me an opportunity to learn something totally new and opened my eyes to something totally outside of the realm of allopathic medicine. I’d like to be a doctor one day and a doctor is only as good as the skills they posses. Learning Bio-Touch was another skill I can add to my “tool belt” so that I can use it one day to be as good of a doctor as I can be.

Sam Hanson

I found the book by Debra Schildhouse on the new book shelf in the library.  I read it in a couple of days (couldn’t put it down).  So I looked up Bio-Touch online and saw there was a class.

I appreciate that ours was a small class.  I felt a connection with all involved as soon as I walked in the door.  The Bio-Touch training was as straight forward as the manual and I feel I can leave and replicate the steps with my family right away.  I am looking forward to helping family, friends and workmates as well as spreading the word to take the class themselves.

Vanessa Klier

Great experience (the Practitioner Training).  Will move to the next level.

Well presented.  easy to follow.

Will practice Bio-Touch with family and firends.

Maybe one day teach it!

Peter Neis

I had a wonderful time learning Bio-Touch.  What I really like was the fact that I never once felt overwhelmed.  All instructors made me feel relaxed and that it wasn’t a big deal not to worry…that the points would come with time.  I loved the relaxed way Bio-Touch just seems to flow.  Great class.  I am really excited to go out there and spread it around.  Than you to you both!

Hanna Winters

This class was fantastic and fun!  Everyone was helpful and inspiring.  Bio-Touch seems to have endless possibilities.  already have a list of folks I would like to help.

Ingrid Aspromatis

I love the idea of keeping it simple…My background in medicine will help enhance my “extra work” (of Bio-Touch) as will my background as a medical intuitive.  After I closed my pharmacy, I became very depressed that I no longer had that love connection with my community.  I’m now hopeful for the future, not only for my own increased health and vitality, but my connection with others.

Eileen D. Webster


It sounds unreal and amazing how effective and easy to perform Bio-Touch.  It’s very beneficial and hearing about other people’s experiences is incredible.  I hope to use Bio-Touch to help the people in my life.

Camarie L. Francisco


Me gusto mucho aprender esta terapia de BT por que aprendi mas los punto exactos de dolor para poder ayudar a mi projimo y sobre todo a mi hijo Angel que tiene Diabetis tipo1. Tambien me gusto el ambiente muy Buenos maestros y companeros y a pesar de que no so hablar ni escriber el ingles aprendi mucho por que aparte Paul el maestro me dio mi teoria en espanol y trataba de hablarme en espanol. Me senti muy agusto exelente. Muchas gracia.


I really liked learning this Bio-Touch therapy because I learned more the exact points for pain in order to help my neighbor and especially my son, Angel, who has diabetes type1. Also I liked the atmosphere very much with all of the teachers and companions. And although I  did not to speak or write the English I learned a lot because, Paul, the teacher,  gave me the theory in Spanish (from the website) and tried to speak in Spanish. I felt very comfortable. Thank you so much..

Carolina Padilla NunezMassage Therapist

How I describe Bio-Touch to my clients:  I tell them, that Bio-Touch is a healing therapy and that it is a technique, that will help the body to increase his ability of self-healing, which each one of us carries inside. I tell them that this ability can be “forgotten” by the body or that a huge amount of other things (for example sorrows, anger, worries) may lay upon it, so our body can not “see” it anymore. But we definitely do have this ability and that we can help our body to put it into action. One way to do this is Bio-Touch.

Christine Vock

I think the class was very well organized and well taught.  My experience was particularly good, with the flexibility given to me to make up the class I missed. I think everything was explained well, and the overall vibe of the class was extremely positive.

At this point, I’m really most excited to use Bio-Touch with my family, especially my kids.  I do hope to incorporate it with clients in the future, especially in areas (of the body) that may need extra attention.  I’m still working out how I’m going to incorporate the GREETING.

This was a great experience.  Thanks for a great class!

Stina Jochem, LMT

My experience with learning the Bio-Touch points was that I immediately was able to put them into practice with beneficial results. I witnessed a deep and immediate relaxation in a client and family members upon practicing the back set.

I appreciated very much the approach of Bio-Touch as an expression of something INHERENT in us as human beings available to be given and received now.

Thank you very much for sharing a valuable, potent and effective tool.

Carey Bjornson, LMT

I took the January 2018 training and got a lot out of it.  Interestlngly, I felt like I was on Cloud 9 for several days after the class.  Since then, I’ve been practicing Bio-Touch on family members as well as instructing my husband on how to give me Bio-Touch.  My mother really likes her session and Hannah, my four year old granddaughter, asked me to bring my purple book the next time I come to her house .  I have also been keeping up with your Monday morning broadcasts which make me feel like I’m in a Bio-Touch class.

Vanessa Kleir
During my treatments, I was already able to experience spontaneous healing several times.
It is happy experiences to look into the incredulous and happy eyes, when suddenly the pain has disappeared or a tension has dissolved. The positive feedbacks make me very happy and I know that I have found exactly the right thing for me with this treatment method .... or it found me !!!!
Since I myself suffer from frequent and severe headaches, I showed my husband a few sentences. That's how I enjoy the BIO-Touch treatments.
I can bring these experiences and feelings well into the treatment of other recipients.
In addition to the sentences I often use the local / manual treatments and feel how the
Energies flow where there are blockages or the connection to the respective areas, body parts or to the organs. I let myself be guided intuitively.
Barbara Pfau – Germany
I have already had different experiences. In general, Bio-Touch is perceived as very pleasant and relaxing.
With my husband, I was able to cure his knee pain with a treatment. He could not perform before. In another client, the back pain was no longer available after treatment.
My sister-in-law had strong neck tension, which had also disappeared after a brief treatment of the neck.
Often, the recipients tell me that when they are treating, they specifically report their previously described pain points, even if I do not work directly on the job,
or they feel a rush of energy. Some also report a feeling of one
"Electric shock" when I put my fingers up.
The headset is often reported as having a "light" feel, even though there was a head pressure before.
It always fascinates me, which feedbacks I get and which successes are possible with this gentle form of treatment.
Anka Paasch – Germany

I really enjoyed this class and I plan on practicing until I know it without the book.  I will be using this and integrating with massage and shiatsu.  Thank you for this class.

Diane Jacome – Massage Therapist

I very much enjoyed the class.  Working in a small group with class mates was very helpful in committing the points to memory.  I did notice a difference in my restless leg syndrome.  Normally I would be very medicated during the time of the classes.  I fell right to sleep!  I plan to take this to Green Valley, Arizona.

Liz Faulling

Sarah Masse talks about her experience.

Sarah Masse

What brought me here:  My husband had a stroke in 2008 & 2011.  We were using acupuncture since Nov 2014.  It was helping but it was discouraging when he plateaued.  We found Bio-Touch on the internet.  I became a member, downloaded the manual, practiced the points as taught..AND NOTICED RESULTS.

This class was fun!  I felt very safe and comfortable throughout the whole class.  I learned a lot.  It helped to find the points on other people.  I also learned more info about local work to really help Larry (my husband) with his high blood pressure and to get more mobility in his hand and hopefully help his hyper-extended knee.

For me, I want to keep my health.  I’m doing great but want to feel and be even greater.

Rose Mayer

Pete is a Massage Therapist.

Pete Milligan

Bio-Touch is so effective that I received significant reductions in my symptoms even from the brief sets of points touched by my fellow student “associates” while training this weekend, even as they fumbled about at time trying to touch the “right points”!

The class has been practical, hands-on, and has helped me learn the sets quickly, despite the fact that before the week started, I thought it would be hard to learn.

The teachers are all kind and patient and thorough.  Paul’s stories and attitude toward healing are truly inspiring to me: grass-roots, egalitarian, democratic in the true sense of the word.

I will give Bio-Touch to family and friends and I intend to include it as an important “modality” in my healing tool box as a professional already trained in counseling, ecotherapy, energy healing and mindfulness-based stress reduction.

Christopher Chappell

Donna is from Delaware.

I am looking forward to integrating some of this int my sessions (massage).  I love how easy this is.

Donna Zetts

Nichole just believes in Simplicity!

Nichole Henshaw

I’m excited to use this to help myself and my friends & Family

I have decided to use this Bio-Touch when I travel to Massachusetts to visit my kids and grandkids. It would make me happy to be able to share this with them and help my son, especially.

Thanks to Paul & all the practitioners.

Link to video of Ursela

Ursela Guran

Bonnie, joined us from Deleware.

My experience has been amazing.  I really felt I was suppose to take this class.  I am looking forward to using it in my practice (Massage & Reiki).

I think it will be very beneficial to my clients, friends and family.  My husband will enjoy it too because he has some issues.

Can’t wait to use it!!!

Bonnie Schuyler

The humanity of Paul, Bev and all of the instructors just radiated – so much to offer and so approachable – humble, wonderful emissaries and role models.

It is simple. I am just beginning to see the many ways to tailor the work to individual needs and be creative with the enhancements.

I am excited to practice enough of the points to become truly familiar and be able to add and grow my capacity for listening and being present.  I am exploring the potential to add this to an SI practice and how that can enhance the progression of sessions. I want to explore the work as a support to consciousness, spiritual work, interpersonal effectiveness and it’s support of neuroplasticity (brain health and recovery).

I hope to experience some regular personal session and really feel the work.


Jordan Hunter

The class was fun and well organized.  I enjoyed it very much.  Due to pain from arthritis and many other age related pains, I feel that Bio-Touch can and has helped me with relief.

Debbi and I will continue to practice the technique to help each other.

What an easy way to help relieve aches.

Ross Behm

The energy in the class was awesome.  I teach in a very stressful environment.  My friends are also teachers and I hope to offer some relief to others at my school as well as family members.  My husband also took the class and I;m so excited because now we can help each other.  I want to be able to practice these new skills.  It will be so awesome to know I can reach out and “just touch” someone and affect their lives positively.

Debbi Madson Behm

I really enjoyed it (the class).  I had been suffering from asthma, allergies and bronchitis and the work I received during class and from my co-worker at work helped alleviate my symptoms.  I hope to continue this work as conditions arise.

C. Monika McGill, LMT

I was open to learning this technique but somewhat skeptical as to how much it would add to my practice.  After a profound healing experience during my second class, I am a convert.  I recommend this class to anyone who wants to improve their life or the lives of their loved ones.

EDITOR NOTE: Paula had a profound experience teaching her husband how to work on her and she working on him.  He stated that their relationship just seemed to go to a deeper level.

Paula Taylor, LMT

I will be using Bio-Touch with my massage and nursing practices. I will also use it for my kids and rest of my family.  I feel this class has broadened my horizons more and I am excited to use Bio-Touch to help others.

Clarisa Sereno, LMT

Bio-Touch is AMAZING!!!  The points were very easy to learn and incorporate into my way of life and into my massage practice.

EDITOR NOTE:  Maya has been diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis).  Though she is doing much better her receiving Bio-Touch has really helped her in many ways.  Especially in her ability to write this testimonial with clarity and steadiness.  She also spoke of being able to use this for the whole family.

Maya Saylor, LMT

One of the more interesting classes I have attended.  I think it will be easy to use this in my practice.  I am looking forward to learning more.

Rondi Little

It was incredible!!  I loved the ease of learning the touch points and was amazed at receiving physical benefits from other students practicing on me.  It was a very comfortable environment in which to learn this technique.

Thank you for sharing your time and knowledge.  I thoroughly enjoyed this weekend.

Sandy Knight

Amazing! Wonderful! Thank You!

So simple and potential to help loved ones in a very powerful way.

Very refreshing that anyone can do – no hierarchies.  I felt the effects right away – melting of muscle tension, “the sigh” of body tightness release, feeling lighter and happier.

Thank you Bev, Paul & Charlotte for a fun, inspiring and eye-opening class.

Sheri Piper

I have several neighbors and family members who I think would benefit from Bio-Touch. I am anxious to work on them.

Nancy Bevens

The class exposed me to energy work for the first time.  I have wanted to add some energy modality to my practice and I think Bio-Touch will work well for many of my clients.

Fred Sandlin, MT

I really enjoyed the class and have already appreciated the connection that it created when I practiced on my 16 year old son and my husband (just after the first day of the class).  It was really special to share those moments with my son as they seem rae now that he is a teenager.

I look forward to being able to connect with him and my family as well as to help others with their well being.

The class was very easy and I feel with the hands-on learning I will be able to retain the information.  The instructors were great.  I learned a lot and can’t wait to use it on people in my life.

Thanks you!

Tresta Anderson

I came to class because I wanted to learn effective way of doing gentle touch and earn CE Credits.

I liked the class but it was a little too long for me. I am interested in taking the 2 hours classes. I would like to learn less information in one class and have more time to learn it.

I will definately use Bio-Touch with family and clients and give and receive Bio-Touch with friends.


Karen Jablo, MT

I cam to this class because I want to help my family, especially my mother Esmerita, and I want to help my community.

My personal experience in the class is very nice, starting with staff, that gives this training.  They are patient and very good, spend hours in class you’re connecting more and more with Bio-Touch and the person.

I am happy and proud of myself to learn this technique and doing Bio-Touch gently as a butterfly is just touch.  I will begin to use this technique in my family and then with people in my community.  I will make a difference doing with my hands natural healing ability for humanity.

Thanks for everything.

Maria Tomaine

I am excited to start using my Bio-touch experience on my family, and especially volunteering at the Center.

What a wonderful experience, lovely people and so helpful.

Genevieve Attarian

March 2016
Massage Therapist

I came in very skeptical and am now interested to discover ways to utilize Bio-Touch in my work (as a massage therapist) and daily life.

I am also curious to find how people respond in comparison to other energy techniques.

Sara Haran

March 2016
Massage Therapist
86 Year Old

I learn more each time I take the class. (Her third time.)

I was sick with food poison when I attended one of the evenings of class but got relief from Paul doing the points on me.  It made me a believer!

Rose Marie Martin

March 2016

This class was a worthy challenge for me, to gain comfort in offering my touch — to help others feel better.

I felt comfortable with the steps and simple process of Bio-Touch.

It is with confidence now, that I can offer Bio-Touch aid for others.

Big Thanks, Bio-Touch!

Thomas Hatfield

March 2016
Massage Therapist

I had a wonderful experience!


The information was very well delivered and the people are wonderful and loving.

Barbara Lacinski

March 2106

I liked Bio-Touch because it helps a lot with people who have pain and discomfort.

Lizette Duarte

October 2015

Use it to relieve stress, pain, and stay healthier.  The class was wonderful with great instructors.  The class hands-on cemented the points in your head so you are more confident that you are doing it right.

Tanya & Zaheer Choudhry

October 2015

Very positive–will use at home with each other–may use as practitioner in the future–

Sue & Octavio Molera

The Certification Class has been meaningful in deepening my knowledge of Bio-Touch.  There were great opportunities to learn about the under-pinnings of Bio-Touch as well as practicing the points and learning enhancements from other certified practitioners. It’s inspiring to be around others who are living and demonstrating the mission and vision of Bio-Touch.

Kathy Nelson

the perfect medium
for those
who are
Love and Serve.

Nila Laguana

Very Exciting class.  Learning more about Just Touch!

Jose Laguana

I, Vivian Isaacson, have a story to share in regards to my experience of healing to the Bio-Magnetic healing technique.

It was one year ago that I fainted in my office at Denver, Colorado.  Upon arrival of the paramedics, I was conscious, but under protest, was transported to the hospital and put in the intensive care unit.

Within 24 hours of a pacemaker being placed, it punctured my heart.  I was immediately taken to surgery.  On the table they say the arteries were so clogged they were like an eggshell that could break at any time..  The main aorta was also so clogged they had trouble getting blood to the brain during the operation.  When I came out of the operation, I was put on oxygen, feeding tubes and all the other life sustaining equipment with no idea how I could fare.

By this time my son arrived and began immediately performing the Bio-Magnetic Healing.  As I understand it, he worked on me three times a day, around all around the machines and with complete approval of the Doctors and Nurses.  I do not remember the three weeks that he was there.

Here are some details during those weeks as I was told; I took no pain medication; I came in and out of awareness and was able to respond properly to questions; I took very minimal antibiotics and diuretics; I was on little blood pressure medication, for as the blood pressure would drop immediate results of a rise in blood pressure could be observed after a Bio-Magnetic treatment. Overall there was a peacefulness observed in me by all attending doctors and nurses –many nurses said most patients in my situation would be on more drugs.  Also doing well as my urine discharge and non-retention of fluids.  Also to note is that I was a heavy smoker for 35 years My lungs during this 3 weeks did have some problems clearing up but again after a Bio-Magnetic treatment any problems seemed to cease.  Movement of my body was minimal, none of right side, little left leg and poor mouth.  My speech and awareness were also poor.

At the end of three weeks, I was released from ICU with this prognosis:  Brain scans showed complete brain damage with stroke in the left rear of brain.  Progress of rehabilitation was not favorable.  At this time, the insurance company was already trying to relinquish payments based on Medicare standards of “leveling out”.  At this time, my daughter-in-law was now beginning to work on me with the Bio-Magnetic healing.  I was placed in the cardiac unit of the hospital.  Progress was very slow, but appeared constant (accept to the insurance company).  Day by day a few more abilities would unfold.  Now I was moved to the rehabilitation hospital.

Only with much pushing on the part of my son and daughter-in-law did the hospital working with me.  All the time Bio-Magnetics was still being done and progress was still observed.  Finally the system said I “leveled out” and must go to a nursing home.  Once again the process started over to encourage all the therapists to work with me and continue to have the insurance company pay for treatments.

Progress was still happening and though the staff said “clinically” I couldn’t get much better, they all had a “feeling” that I could get better.  The staff at the home really started to notice progress and felt the Bio-Magnetics was helping—but again standards showed I had “leveled out” and must now return home.

The prognosis from the doctor was that all my vital signs were great including full lunch capacity and clarity, normal blood pressure and strong heart.  But he did say I would always drag my feet, never open my hand and I should just accept that and my mental weakness.  He recommended continual use of both lasix and digitalis.

Upon going home, with all the “needed” equipment, I decided not to take any of the medications and only continue taking vitamins,Q-10 and continue the Bio-Magnetic treatments and some physical therapy.

Now I was given some home rehabilitation as I prepared to move to Hawaii where my son daughter-in-law lived and had the Bio-Magnetic Center.

My bladder control was a bit better by now, walking was for a least once around the house with someone holding me and my awareness and memory were a quite bit improved.

So, what can I say?  The story is long; the emotional changes have been uncountable, especially for a 70 year old widow.  But one year later I am just getting ready to move into a semi-independent living situation.  I speak fine and can hold an intelligent conversation on any topic.  I have normal recall of current events and have regained my reason and emotional facilities.  I do have slight trouble concentrating on detailed jobs, but I think too that will improve with practice.  I can now walk without any aids and for blocks without a rest.   In fact, I am even able to walk on the beach!  I can also joyously spend an afternoon in the mall.  I can eat by myself and shower myself.  I can even open and close my right hand, but still do not have complete coordination to use it fully.  My blood pressure for the past three months has been 120/78.  In a recent physical my blood count and cholesterol were at normal levels, my heart rhythm is around 80 and my lungs are clear and strong.  The EKG also shows no heart damage.

I was amazed and feel honored to have come this far in so short a time.  I feel like I’d enjoy getting better quicker, but when I look at those who had minor strokes five years ago and remember my prognosis, I must be joyous.

I must honor and endorse the Bio-Magnetic Healing for this opportunity I have now.  Can I say it was Bio-Magnetics?  Of course not! May it was willpower or grace.  But hen I see how others are doing with the sae prognosis and when I just am still with myself, I KNOW beyond a doubt that the Bio-Magnetic Healing was instrumental in my healing.  Now the rest is up to me.

My sympathy goes to all who may be in a situation like my own.  I can only encourage you to try this very simple and comforting technique.  You have nothing to lose and only a life with dignity to gain.

October 1992.

Signed:  Vivian Isaacson

Vivian Isaacson

“Today as I fill the 8th worksheet of this course, just being a part of the foundation makes me smile and fills me with hope. I like knowing I am supported in my journey and that the work I do in turn adds to a larger mission. Also, the dream of setting up a donation based Bio-Touch center here came into being only when I connected with Paul and the foundation.”
Chetna – India 2016

Chetna Chakravarthy

I am so glad I signed up for this class.  I feel like I learned a lot in the 2 days we met.  I am confident in starting using Bio-Touch right away on my family and friends.  I am excited at the idea of enhancing their health and well being.

Thank you Paul, Debra and Bev!

Florence Kelly

My experience with this class is very pleasant and I got to learn more than the last time I was here.  I can use Bio-Touch with anybody that has pain so I can help them to ease it.  So they can learn it as well and teach it to someone they know.

My wrist was hurting a lot and after doing some techniques on me (during class) my wrist feels better so I can say this definitely works.

Lizette Duarte

I came to this class because my neighbor gave treatments, which her landlord said helped him. I hope to be able to give my husband treatments for his PHN for 24+ years (PHN is Postherpetic Neuralgia which is pain that persists after the shingles scales heal) and to help my daughter who has experienced gastro-abnormalities since her hysterectomy and bilateral mastectomy 2 1/2 years ago.

Ann Ferganchick

This Bio-Touch class was super easy to learn, and even more amazing to receive.  I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and am happy to have another tool in my toolbox to serve, help and bring relief to different populations of people with different conditions.

“Touch comes before sight, before speech.  It is the first language and the last, and it always tell the truth.”  Margaret Atwood

Erin Jorgenson

In the past, I have received sessions and have always loved Bio-Touch.  Now, as a massage therapist, I am taking the trainings to incorporate in my life and healing practices.

I am thrilled to have Bio-Touch be part of my life and healing practices now.  I appreciate the simplicity of the practice,  Paul and Beverly made everything clear and simple and assisted us in practice sessions throughout each class.  They have so much experience, information, insight and dedication to share this with everyone and benefit all.

I appreciate this and the practicality to share the simple aspect of Love Thy Neighbor.

Thank you Bio-Touch, Paul Bucky, Beverly Wood and all staff.  I am really excited to share, to practice and to teach this to others.

Lorrayne Mills

I have heard of Bio-Touch technique and was offered an opportunity to learn Bio-Touch along with earning CE credits for my massage license.

Bio-Touch is an easy and effective technique to use in and of itself as well as being able to pair it with other treatment modalities that I incorporate with my existing clients.  I would also recommend this technique to friend, family and clients who are wanting to learn a technique they can learn to use with others.  I appreciate the set points that are available in the manual to incorporate together.

Shannon Sullivan

I thought the class was engaging, interesting, done well and was not disappointing.  Bio-Touch gives me a light touch option for healing and connecting with people and family.

Randy Usem

The class is wonderful.  I don’t have much experience in the knowledge of where every part of the body is located, however with Bio-Touch I have learned some.  I am looking forward to using Bio-Touch with my Reiki to help others feel good and help with healing their bodies.

Jill Ward

The Certified Practitioner training has been a very rewarding journey. Bev Wood was the practitioner during most of my internship and guided me with love through the maze of points. I am grateful for the grace and kindness with which the recipients accepted me as I was learning the points and the techniques. The 4 recipients I worked with every Saturday had been members of Bio-Touch for years and knew exactly where the points were and what I should do. I learned a lot from them, and I was amazed at the instant relationships that were joined right from the start.

The training was excellent, and now I am ready to take Bio-Touch into my community. I knew I wanted to do some kind of volunteer work after I retire, and I have found it.

Bio-Touch is a beautiful way to connect with people when I move after I retire.

Thank you Paul, Bev, Charlotte and IFBM!

Bettina Brentano

I became a Practitioner to learn a new skill to use effectively that’ fast, easy and non-evasive to the body.

As a retired LPN I find it refreshing to be part of this cheerful, respectful healing process using our two fingers of each hand to help each other to physical wellness. simplicity with caring goes a long way as a humanitarian life style.

Conscious self awareness has also been my spiritual practice for 35 years & Bio-Touch fits into it very nicely.

Carol Maun

The class validates my feeling that “simple” is not stupid.

Virginia Tilley

My experience with this class was outstanding because i got to see everything in a different perspective about healing.

Lizette Duarte

Bio-Touch is one of the greatest gifts I have given myself. It has been quite a journey of self awareness over the last 8 years. and in May 2014 I reached another milestone when I became a certified instructor.

As a service oriented person, it is very rewarding to be a practitioner. I love working at the center and giving sessions. But now as an instructor too, I have the opportunity not only to teach and share Bio-touch, but also to assist the foundation in realizing its mission and vision. I feel that I get to play a small part in the journey of those who come to learn the technique and then can also share Bio-Touch in the world.


Bev WoodInstructor 2014