I am so grateful I had Bio-Touch healing every step of the way of becoming a new mother. From pregnancy to postpartum I found Bio-Touch to be crucial for managing stress and adapting to my new life as a mother. It was something my husband and I could turn to, as well as my Doula, who was trained in Bio-Touch. I remember clearly one time having Braxton Hicks, which was scary and painful. The first thing I did was lay down and my husband started doing the abdomen set for me. I found this very comforting and to help with the situation. I also remember my Doula doing Bio-Touch for me as the last thing before she left the hospital. It was very meaningful to me and I am forever grateful. Now that I have a 20 month old, I find that the whole family turns to Bio-Touch in times of healing. Bumps and bruises happen along the way but it’s nice to have peace of mind.