Why Kai integrates Bio-Touch into her professional and personal life.
I can see myself incorporating Bio-Touch into my work. Although light touch hasn’t been what I’ve done in the past, for the most part I have used other modalities using a light touch. This is much different and I like the possibility of its use. I can see there is much benefit to Bio-Touch.
I’ve really enjoyed meeting everyone and learning from their experience. I’m happy to be a member and to be accepted into this group. Thanks for the fun weekend. I will be using the knowledge I learned.

I am a massage therapist and PTA.
This was the BEST massage CEU class I have taken so far ( 6 years of ceu’s).
Very friendly professional, educational, organized, good pace, clean environment. Staff was very well prepared. Perfect amount of hands-on and reading/learning/going over materials and practice. Ongoing corrections were demonstrated to ensure proper technique.
I am also a PTA. I feel I can and will implement Bio-Touch in both massage and for physical therapy.
Bio-Touch is quick and easily performed and non invasive.
I am a skeptic, but Bio-Touch isn’t energy work it is Just Touch that has a positive effect backed by research.
I Love Bio-Touch. Very well done!!

I have heard about Bio-Touch for many years.
I love to integrate with Massage with good results.
Thank you for sharing!

What brought me to this class was the desire to learn new techniques to help me help others.
Amazingly, Bio-Touch is just as simple as Paul presented it to be. I now have a wonderful tool to be able to help others without massage.

What brought me to this training was curiosity to expand my techniques to use in the field of maternal health.
Fun & Education class for everyday use. I love the idea that this is for everyone t practice and not just for the “the experts”.
I am excited to incorporate this into birth work — not for me to practice on pregnant people but rather for their family members , especially partners, to learn to use.

I came to the clinic and decided to try Bio-Touch. Then I started the training and will continue. It is great!.
Nice addition for my personal clients and a great technique to add to my wellness certs. Especially my special needs clients.

I came to the class to get continuing education units.
I will practice Bio-Touch in the near future. This is something I have been searching for and finally found.
Perfect practice for me personally.

I came to the class to learn Bio-Touch and to satisfy my continuing education requirements.
I will be using this technique at work, at home with my family, grandkids and friends.
This workshop ended up being very incredible and with all of the lovely Instructors and all of the attendees was a great crew as well. Thank you for all of the wonderful stories, care and teaching.

Clients have come to me seeking alternative treatment.
Though I am still anxious, I admit that it will probably take a week or two before I can use Bio-Touch. I will. I am planning on adding it to my normal eclectic modality. Thank you.

The class is/was very informative and the hands on training as we went through the class was very helpful in retaining information. I have already experienced benefits, personally, just from the class. I am excited to apply these techniques
I am really happy I enrolled in the class! I debated learning online, but it made such a difference to attend the classes in person and to receive “hands on” practice. Being guided through the points in person helped boost my confidence, and even after the first class, I felt comfortable performing Bio-Touch on my partner (with great results!).
I will happily incorporate Bio-Touch into my daily life, and I look forward to exploring the certification opportunities in the future.

I needed CEUs plus I needed to refresh Bio-Touch to incorporate some more into my massage.
I felt the knowledge this class gave me adds to all the work I usually do on my family, friends, and clients. When I came to this class all the love and work that was done on me helped me heal some more from my recent back surgery. Everyone here is so loving and giving I was so glad I came.
I needed CEUs and the cost and location were great.
A very positive experience. As we learned each set of points and some health issues were mentioned, I started to make a list of clients for whom this would be beneficial. Very easy to incorporate without changing my whole massage. I even came up with several clients & friends who I thought would enjoy knowing and learning this information. All good things!
I needed CEUs and I had taken the class before and remembered I enjoyed it.
I feel this will be able to be added to my massage practice as well as being used on family members. Everyone has issues that should be addressed. This is overall a positive addition and atmosphere to be in.
When I first heard of Bio-Touch, I really didn’t think much of it because we’re doing so many things. Richard worked on me because I had a horrible abscess in my tonsils. I couldn’t swallow or talk. He did the infection point, and it sent a tingle through me. Bio-Touch felt nice, and I knew right then, “We need to touch. We need to do this with our family.” As a massage therapist, I do a lot of touching, but this is different from anything I’ve ever done before.
My tonsils got better which Richard said was amazing. The next day, the worst side was completely better. On the other side, the swelling slowly went down until it was completely gone as well.
In Tucson, we had an experience with my son Hyrum at the babysitter. He has a lot of emotional issues and was crying hysterically for about ten minutes. We tried walking away to see if he would calm down, but he didn’t. Richard did the head set on him. Within 2 minutes, he was fine! It was an amazing transformation. I’m looking forward to doing more with him. Little Madeline loves Bio-Touch just put up your 2 fingers and she lifts her shirt! Monsi really likes it, especially when Lynette does it.
Richard and I both felt we needed to do this class. It has been beneficial. It has been neat to see how Bio-Touch has affected others, since it is new to us. I’m glad we came.
As a massage therapist I incorporated the Greeting into all treatments (this past week). It seemed to clear my head but allow me to focus on the person under my hands. Great progress was made during all treatments with “wow” moments consistently happening.

What brought me to the class: I wanted to work lighter on people and know a way to include that into my massage. I had felt during my massages for some time to pause and go lighter.
I already have started to include Bio-Touch in my massages. Mostly I feel that after I worked on an area for some time, traditionally I want to give the body some time to integrate and take a breath. Contrarily I can start with Bio-Touch to prepare an area. Either way it helps me to first connect energetically and feel better about what is needed and what the body tries to communicate.

It sounds unreal and amazing how effective and easy to perform Bio-Touch. It’s very beneficial and hearing about other people’s experiences is incredible. I hope to use Bio-Touch to help the people in my life.

Me gusto mucho aprender esta terapia de BT por que aprendi mas los punto exactos de dolor para poder ayudar a mi projimo y sobre todo a mi hijo Angel que tiene Diabetis tipo1. Tambien me gusto el ambiente muy Buenos maestros y companeros y a pesar de que no so hablar ni escriber el ingles aprendi mucho por que aparte Paul el maestro me dio mi teoria en espanol y trataba de hablarme en espanol. Me senti muy agusto exelente. Muchas gracia.
I really liked learning this Bio-Touch therapy because I learned more the exact points for pain in order to help my neighbor and especially my son, Angel, who has diabetes type1. Also I liked the atmosphere very much with all of the teachers and companions. And although I did not to speak or write the English I learned a lot because, Paul, the teacher, gave me the theory in Spanish (from the website) and tried to speak in Spanish. I felt very comfortable. Thank you so much..

I think the class was very well organized and well taught. My experience was particularly good, with the flexibility given to me to make up the class I missed. I think everything was explained well, and the overall vibe of the class was extremely positive.
At this point, I’m really most excited to use Bio-Touch with my family, especially my kids. I do hope to incorporate it with clients in the future, especially in areas (of the body) that may need extra attention. I’m still working out how I’m going to incorporate the GREETING.
This was a great experience. Thanks for a great class!
My experience with learning the Bio-Touch points was that I immediately was able to put them into practice with beneficial results. I witnessed a deep and immediate relaxation in a client and family members upon practicing the back set.
I appreciated very much the approach of Bio-Touch as an expression of something INHERENT in us as human beings available to be given and received now.
Thank you very much for sharing a valuable, potent and effective tool.
Pete is a Massage Therapist.
Donna is from Delaware.
I am looking forward to integrating some of this int my sessions (massage). I love how easy this is.
Bonnie, joined us from Deleware.
My experience has been amazing. I really felt I was suppose to take this class. I am looking forward to using it in my practice (Massage & Reiki).
I think it will be very beneficial to my clients, friends and family. My husband will enjoy it too because he has some issues.
Can’t wait to use it!!!
I really enjoyed it (the class). I had been suffering from asthma, allergies and bronchitis and the work I received during class and from my co-worker at work helped alleviate my symptoms. I hope to continue this work as conditions arise.

I was open to learning this technique but somewhat skeptical as to how much it would add to my practice. After a profound healing experience during my second class, I am a convert. I recommend this class to anyone who wants to improve their life or the lives of their loved ones.
EDITOR NOTE: Paula had a profound experience teaching her husband how to work on her and she working on him. He stated that their relationship just seemed to go to a deeper level.

I will be using Bio-Touch with my massage and nursing practices. I will also use it for my kids and rest of my family. I feel this class has broadened my horizons more and I am excited to use Bio-Touch to help others.

Bio-Touch is AMAZING!!! The points were very easy to learn and incorporate into my way of life and into my massage practice.
EDITOR NOTE: Maya has been diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis). Though she is doing much better her receiving Bio-Touch has really helped her in many ways. Especially in her ability to write this testimonial with clarity and steadiness. She also spoke of being able to use this for the whole family.

The class exposed me to energy work for the first time. I have wanted to add some energy modality to my practice and I think Bio-Touch will work well for many of my clients.

I came to class because I wanted to learn effective way of doing gentle touch and earn CE Credits.
I liked the class but it was a little too long for me. I am interested in taking the 2 hours classes. I would like to learn less information in one class and have more time to learn it.
I will definately use Bio-Touch with family and clients and give and receive Bio-Touch with friends.

March 2016
Massage Therapist
I came in very skeptical and am now interested to discover ways to utilize Bio-Touch in my work (as a massage therapist) and daily life.
I am also curious to find how people respond in comparison to other energy techniques.

March 2016
Massage Therapist
86 Year Old
I learn more each time I take the class. (Her third time.)
I was sick with food poison when I attended one of the evenings of class but got relief from Paul doing the points on me. It made me a believer!

March 2016
Massage Therapist
I had a wonderful experience!

The information was very well delivered and the people are wonderful and loving.

March 2106
I liked Bio-Touch because it helps a lot with people who have pain and discomfort.