We once had an instructor, who was an ex-President of a local teamsters union. When he would stand in front of the class to speak of self-awareness, which is one of our purposes of the Bio-Touch Foundation, he would just say, “I have no idea what the hell they mean by this.”

Wow, now that is self-awareness!  It’s just plain honesty with oneself and others. 

Those of us practicing “healing work” may begin to get grandiose ideas that we are helping others— that we have developed certain abilities. This is illustrated in the attached clip art included with this blog. What I tend to see may not be quite what is reflected in the mirror.

Also there is the question: What am I seeing when I look at others? How does the other represent my own self-awareness?

There is a biblical quote I always like to remember: 

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

So how do I clean the mirror? 

For me that is why I “just touch.” When I can keep thinking in these terms it brings home the idea that Bio-Touch is Love, or a way to put Love into Action. With a simple, gentle touch, I am able to stop my judgments of others and my analysis of what I think would be best for them. I realize that I am seeing myself in the others. I have cleaned the mirror, brightened the glass, and the reflection becomes perfect. 

There is nothing to “do.”  I just need to touch.

The final paragraphs in the Epilogue of our manual, express this quite well:

Know thyself!  Every human being is the vehicle of his own destiny. Each is free to venture into some elegant area of thought and peer with yearning trepidation into the obscure shadows. Those who refrain from this liberty will live an ordinary life, be conditioned by ordinary thoughts, exhibit doubts that have ordinarily been postulated by others. Such people are a part of the ordinary problems seeking ordinary solutions. It is the ordinary role for the ordinary man and is clearly the most comfortable for ordinary peace of mind. The ordinary provides no favorable climate for progress.

For those who seek the summit to glimpse the mighty possibilities of The Absolute, there is no such comfort. Once having crossed the Rubicon, one may not retreat with impunity; but continue to gaze with exquisite anxiety upon the alluring abyss, endeavor to grasp the untouchable and penetrate the vastness of the unknowable. Paradise may be the sublime experience discovered when one is lost in a limitless extension of infinity. It is an incredible challenge.

The manifestation of creation is extraordinary.”

1 Comment

  1. I have read those words seems like a hundred times and still yearn to understand how can one grasp the untouchable; and penetrate the vastness of the unknowable?; I suppose I am lost in a limitless extension of infinity! What a wonderful place to be. It is extraordinary!

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