“I have fully enjoyed my experience learning Bio-Touch. Having never heard of it before my google search into natural healing and reading about the many people that have had their health elevated by a single touch has been mind-expanding. I have already begun to be an advocate for Bio-Touch within my small circle of family and friends, and plan to continue with the program. Last Friday I had my very first Bio-Touch session – I figured it would be important to be a recipient before I continue the training – it was a very emotional experience for me, as well as extremely comforting. Just a few minutes and I was more relaxed than I would have been if I were getting a massage. I am fortunate to have learned about Bio-Touch when I did, and I hope to make others’ experience as profound as my own.”

Claudia Bowen

I am so grateful I had Bio-Touch healing every step of the way of becoming a new mother. From pregnancy to postpartum I found Bio-Touch to be crucial for managing stress and adapting to my new life as a mother. It was something my husband and I could turn to, as well as my Doula, who was trained in Bio-Touch. I remember clearly one time having Braxton Hicks, which was scary and painful. The first thing I did was lay down and my husband started doing the abdomen set for me. I found this very comforting and to help with the situation. I also remember my Doula doing Bio-Touch for me as the last thing before she left the hospital. It was very meaningful to me and I am forever grateful. Now that I have a 20 month old, I find that the whole family turns to Bio-Touch in times of healing. Bumps and bruises happen along the way but it’s nice to have peace of mind.

use bio touch for pregnancy and birthing
Kaileen Cox Birthing

Her testimonial about Bio-Touch’s effects on Cataracts & Osteoporosis

Terry Sherman

How Bio-Touch has impacted her life.


Ann Lemley

Toni Dunn, LMT

We are experiencing a very important period of the earth. Maybe this is what Mayans were

talking about. It is changing, the earth is changing, the life is changing, the human being is

changing. I believe the Divine never leave us alone, at first this divine energy gives us some

tools and then Divine let us to experience some storms, some waves alone. So that we can

realize our own power, by using the tools given by the divine before, we understand our own

power and capacity. And this power release us from fears, worries, diseases…


I think Bio-Touch is one of these tools given by Divine to understand ourself better, to believe in

our own power, to believe that we can heal ourselves. Only by touching with two fingers as soft

as butterfly, we are connecting to each other with a pure love. And love is the medicine of all

and for all. Bio-Touch is a technic without any side effect, it is so simple that everyone can

apply. And it has a strong power that supports people to recover. It helps to feel the power of

love and their own power to both of the participant.


During the Corona Days, we have enough time to live a slower life, we have time to think about

our thinking, think about our choices, we are taking new steps and new decisions about how

to live our lives. People are getting more and more interested about awareness, spirituality,

knowing themselves, knowing their capacity, alternative and holistic healing techniques etc. So

this is a big time for IFBM.


It is time for IFBM to be the pioneer for all the members of the Bio Touch family. Now we are

over boundaries. SO it is a good opportunity to make more online meetings, seminars,

workshops. PR strategies and some ads will also be supportive.


IFBM is the roof under where all the members gather. With a collective collaboration Bio Touch

can reach more people all over the world.


There is bridge between bio touch and science & medicine. By underlying this, IFBM is opening

new fields for all the members.


I feel so lucky to experience Bio-Touch and to become of this family. I believe, Bio-Touch will be

just like a Butterfly Effect 🙂 And it changes all one day.

turkey certified practitioner
Damla Tamru, Certified Practitioner -TURKEY

I am a massage therapist and PTA.

This was the BEST massage CEU class I have taken so far ( 6 years of ceu’s).

Very friendly professional, educational, organized, good pace, clean environment.  Staff was very well prepared.  Perfect amount of hands-on and reading/learning/going over materials and practice.  Ongoing corrections were demonstrated to ensure proper technique.

I am also a PTA.  I feel I can and will implement Bio-Touch in both massage and for physical therapy.

Bio-Touch is quick and easily performed and non invasive.

I am a skeptic, but Bio-Touch isn’t energy work it is Just Touch that has a positive effect backed by research.

I Love Bio-Touch.  Very well done!!

Ashley O’Donnell, LMT

I purchased the manual last year and use Bio-Touch faithfully everyday.  I have a background in holistic healing and am well versed in numerous modalities BUT I have to say Bio-Touch is by far the best modality I have found in terms of results… I love it❤️

I did have a suspicious growth on my left forearm that I had to have removed and biopsied and about two months before it was removed I started focussing the healing on that growth and it shrank down to a tiny little spot…i thought that was quite impressive!! Biopsy results were that it was benign:) I use bio-touch everyday for stress reduction and for sleep at bedtime as well as for anything else that I experience healthwise and also for my husband.

If you ever do a training in Ontario please let me know as I would love to take a proper training.

Sue Trottier – CANADA

Ariana has only been in for three sessions…hear what already has happened.
…”helped me find peace…”

Ariana Lavzon

The story about Bio-Touch is one that needed to be told and Debra Schildhouse is the perfect storyteller to do that job.  This simple, gentle, loving technique has touched so many lives and this book will touch so many more.  Understanding Paul Bucky’s journey will help you to understand why anyone walking into the Bio-Touch Center feelsloved and everyone walking out feels better.

Dr. Bill Gallagher, DC