Bio-Touch is used by Medical Professionals and Family as an Integrative Approach for Prostate Cancer & Other Conditions

View the free presentation on Prostate Cancer & other Conditions.
At the 29 minute mark learn the Bio-Touch points that can address any prostate condition.
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The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland located just below the bladder in the male body. It sits around the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine from the bladder through the penis.

The prostate produces some of the fluids contained in semen. This liquid contains special enzymes and hormones that help sperm cells function properly.

It’s common for the prostate to enlarge as men age. In fact, many men over the age of 50 experience a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is swelling of the prostate. The prostate can expand to the size of an apricot or even a lemon.

For some men, an enlarged prostate doesn’t create any symptoms at all. Others will find that an enlarged prostate can cause:

  • difficulty passing urine
  • the need to urinate often
  • the need to urinate suddenly, without the normal build up
  • waking frequently during the night to go to the toilet
  • pain or burning when urinating
  • pain when ejaculating.

Prostatitis, or inflammation of the prostate, is due to irritation or infection. It’s different from an enlarged prostate, though some of the symptoms are similar. Prostatitis can cause the prostate to become swollen and tender.

Symptoms of prostatitis can include:

  • needing to urinate urgently, often in the middle of the night
  • pain when urinating or after ejaculation
  • blood in the urine
  • lower back pain
  • pain in the rectum
  • a feeling of heaviness behind the scrotum
  • urinary blockages

Bacterial prostatitis is caused by a bacterial infection, and can be treated with antibiotics. Another type of prostatitis is chronic prostatitis, or chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Doctors don’t know what causes this condition, but it can be triggered by injury, nerve damage, or stress.

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men. The risk of developing prostate cancer increases with age. An estimated 191,930 men in the United States will be diagnosed this year, 60 percent of those cases in men over 65.

Men with prostate cancer can experience some of the following symptoms:

  • needing to urinate frequently or suddenly
  • finding it difficult to urinate, including trouble getting started or maintaining a strong or steady flow
  • feeling like the bladder isn’t empty after urination
  • pain, burning, or discomfort during urination
  • blood in urine or semen
  • pain in the lower back, upper thighs, hips, or chest
  • weakness or numbness in the legs or feet
  • unexplained weight loss
  • exhaustion, shortness of breath, dizziness
  • rapid heartbeat
  • pale skin.

Bio-Touch has been shown to relieve symptoms related to prostate issues. While not a substitute for standard medical care, Bio-Touch is an effective complement to medical protocols. Family members and friends can learn to help each other feel better using Bio-Touch, without being concerned about negative side effects.

The information presented here is for educational purposes only. Medical advice is neither offered nor implied. Please consult a healthcare professional for medical advice.

Learn More About Using Bio-Touch as A Healing Touch Therapy for Prostate Conditions

We would love to share the sets of points you would need to address Prostate Cancer and other Prostate Conditions.. View the free presentation on Prostate Care and then at 29 minute mark learn the Bio-Touch points that can address Prostate Health. See video below.

Our entire training eBook is available to download for a small fee of $17.95. GET NOW

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A free preview of our training ebook is available here.

The information presented in the training manuals are for educational purposes only. Medical advice is neither offered nor implied. Please consult a healthcare professional for medical advice.

Do You Have Questions About Prostate Condtions and how a Healing Touch Therapy can work?

We, at Bio-Touch, know that not all touch therapies are exactly the same. If you have any questions for us to answer prior to becoming a member and joining our community, please call or fill out our contact form. As soon as you join the Bio-Touch community, and practice this simple hands-on touch healing technique, you will understand what makes Bio-Touch so effective.

Here is one set you will always perform before you apply any other sets: The GREETING


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