Sylvia is the President of the IFBM Board of Directors. Her leadership is a guiding light to help Bio-Touch become part of the heart of humanity. Sylvia is also a Master Storyteller.

Solstice Tradition

Summer Solstice Many people around the world celebrate the summer solstice by building traditional bonfires. Our IFBM Board of Directors recently built a symbolic bonfire when we reviewed our By-Laws. By-Laws are a guidepost for governing the organization as we work to fulfill the mission and vision. So we threw some of the articles of…

Clearing Out Unwanted Stuff

March is always welcome because we are closer to spring and warmer weather. However, the month of March also brings the blowing winds, and the beginning of allergy season. I know I talked about allergies last month. This time, though, I am focused on being grounded and attuned to my emotions and reactions to situations.…