Blogs by years

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanks but in part; The full, the true Thanksgiving Comes from the heart. ~J.A. Shedd My heart is bursting this Thanksgiving; I have so much to be grateful for. But most of all that my family will be together — enjoying each other’s company in good health — as we shovel the turkey, cranberries, and…


Oh, how magical the Book Launch Gala was —an evening of stories, food, dancing, and the sharing of a deep love and respect for one another. And folks are still feeling it now! The other magical aspect of this time was that thousands of dollars were spent on this event and the launching of the book,…

Love Story

Yes, the evening of October 17 was full of love, it was magical and I was so honored to be a part of it. For me, the Gala Celebration Book Launch also heralded the next phase in the unfolding love story of Bio-Touch. As I have mentioned before, the International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics (IFBM) has…

Book Excerpt – Loathing of Feet

This excerpt is taken from Chapter 5 of Bio-Touch: Healing With the Power in Our Fingertips As gratifying as it was to be part of many meaningful and amusing experiences while volunteering at the Bio-Touch Center, it wasn’t all roses for me. While I enjoyed working on knees, backs, arms, hands, legs, heads and necks,…

Book Excerpt Chapter 2 – The Touch

This excerpt is taken from Chapter 2 of Bio-Touch: Healing With the Power in Our Fingertips Forcing myself to stay calm, I remembered how much I wanted to learn this technique. So I gritted my teeth, willing my trembling hand to move toward the woman. She was brave enough to smile. But as my frosty…

First Day of Class – Book Excerpt

An excerpt from Chapter 2 of the book Bio-Touch: HEALING WITH THE POWER IN OUR FINGERTIPS by Debra Schildhouse I was alone, so I tiptoed around the room, taking everything in. Hawaiian-sounding music played softly from the speakers of a stereo system. A large, wooden bookcase held a variety of health and wellness books. On…

September Newsletter

         “When you open your heart to giving, angels fly to your door.” ~Author Unknown I’m very excited about the Bio-Touch “Be An Angel” campaign, a special opportunity to give back and “put love into action.” It’s a heartfelt way for all of us to contribute. So please support the Bio-Touch organization, which has shared…

Why Bio-Touch for the Family

THIS IS A PAST BLOG, BUT IS SO PERFECT FOR OUR FAMILY MONTH WE DECIDED TO POST IT AGAIN.  I want to consciously respond to my children, not unconsciously react to their behavior.  Bio-Touch is important to me as a mother because I strive to find space between events and my reaction to them.  Bio-Touch…

Embrace the Family

There is an old saying, “charity begins at home.” I just looked up the word charity in the Thesaurus, and one of the many synonyms is “humanity.”  How perfect for this blog because I have always believed that the relationships between family members prepare us for greater opportunities to serve the members of the true…

Declaration of Independence

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  Declaration of Independence How does this declaration relate to Bio-Touch? From our manual: “Bio-Touch is being presented simply and freely…